Blogger’s Toolbox

This is really handy toolbox for Blogger. All kinds of resources including WordPress, MovableType, Blog Hosting Solutions, Tips & Advice, Blogging Forums & Sites, Blog Tools and Resources, Blog Monetization, etc. Just click the link below to find these usefull...

WordPress 2.2 is released now

WordPress 2.2 There are some new features or improvements: * WordPress Widgets allow you to easily rearrange and customize areas of your weblog (usually sidebars) with drag-and-drop simplicity. This functionality was originally available as a plugin Widgets are now included...

Future features of MovableType

Sixapart is developing the next version of MovableType. The future version will be including following interesting features: 1) Role Role may replace the Author and Administrator. Default roles include Weblog Administrator, Designer and Editor. So, it is more flexible to...