It is a promised post for a long time. My Canon imageClass MF4450 multifunction printer. I ordered the parts in January and received them in February. I said I will make a post to show you how to replace the broken hinge.

Let me put the pictures below which recorded the most important steps.

The parts received in a plastic bag.

I received it in February. It is in a box. Unbox it, just a bag as above. Two, or a pair of fingers inside.

Hingers on the desk.It is a clean look of them. I took the picture with bright light.

Broken hinger on the left side.The broken hinger is on the left side of the printer. It is a little bit popped up.

The good hinger on the right side.This is the good hinge on the right side of my printer.

Full view when the cover is open.When I open the cover of the printer, the left side is different from the right side.

Close look of these cords and connectors.I removed the left side panel. The IC board looks like the above.  I keep this picture for the record of how the wires and connectors connect to the board. After that, I will disconnect these wires before removing the cover.

Printer without the cover.

After removing the cover, the hinges are accessible.

How the cover looks likeI put the cover on the floor. Nothing special. I will install it back when I replace the hinge.

The broken hinge.The left hinge is broken. So it is easy to remove the broken part. You can see the spring.

The rest part of the broken hinge.The rest part of the broken hinge is still on the printer. I took it down with my screw driver.

Broken hinge vs Good hinge.See, the broken hinge vs the new hinge side by side. The spring should be inside the white plastic body.

Then I install the new hinge with the reverse order of dismount.

Actually, I watched the youtube video when I doing this job. It helps me a lot.

update: 2023.1.2

The video is removed from YouTube.

Here is something I posted about it.

David Yin

David is a blogger, geek, and web developer — founder of If you like his post, you can say thank you here

5 Replies to “How to replace the hinge of Canon imageClass MF4450

  1. Excellent post, but I can’t get the side cover off. I took the one screw off the back and can’t pry it off without breaking it. Can you explain how?

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