PHP connect DBF file
DBF is very old format databse type. About 10 years ago, I use dBase which use DBF format. Now I will show you how to connect the DBF file from PHP script. 1) Add a system DSN in ODBC Data...
Tech geek. Life geek.
DBF is very old format databse type. About 10 years ago, I use dBase which use DBF format. Now I will show you how to connect the DBF file from PHP script. 1) Add a system DSN in ODBC Data...
I have the text string as below: 04/02/08 It is text. Format is mm/dd/yy But it is still can be recognized as yy/mm/dd or dd/mm/yy. How to convert to the ISO date format? I use PHP to do it.
The default PHP of DreamHost is not support Zip extension. To let it support Zip. You need following steps. 1) Have your own customized PHP compile, which I posted before. 2) Then need to installing PECL Zip Followed the guide...
I put some social network button on site. The Html Validator always tell me some URL is not correct. Ok. I have to code it my self to replace the original code. Original code is as shown below: I change...
I have a installation on 1and1 shared server, beginner package. In the Administrator, back-end, I got the warning as below:
I have a dream, mentioned in my Chinese Blog. I want to replce the current Windows 2003 server by a Linux server. There are something to do before I move to Linux. I am familiar with the Windows just like...
I have a Ubuntu 7.04 server here with following server. Apache2 and PHP 5 The PHP info show as below: I still want to install Zend Optimizer. So I go to Zend’s official server, get the link of the latest...
Yes, I learn to install WordPress MU on the 1and1 server. I finished the installation very smoothly. Only one issue found by my friend George yesterday. He told me that the wp-signup.php does not work. Actually, I have no problem...
Last week, I installed Ubuntu 6.10 server version Linux on an old computer. You can see some information below from phpSysInfo. Let me record my installation history. 1) Download Ubuntu 6.10 server image file, and burn it on CD. 2)...
I like freeware and Open-Source program, just like Phpsysinfo. I have a Windows 2000 server with php and mysql enabled. Phpsysinfo will displays things like Uptime, CPU, Memory, SCSI, IDE, PCI, Ethernet, Floppy, and Video Information.
I update math worksheet generator yesterday. Some new features: * One-Digit or Two-Digit. If you choose two-digit, you can setup the max number you want. * Addition, subtraction or mixed with addition and subtraction. * You can choose to print...
I programed a web version of math worksheet. Just addition and subtraction. My elder daughter, Grace, is Grade 1. She is learning addition and subtraction within two figures, up to 10. Grace can do more than what teacher requested. I...
To create PDF file by PHP, you need some basic information. I record it here. Page Sizes in PostScript Points Paper Size – Page Width – Page Height Letter – 612 – 792 Legal – 612 – 1008 A0 –...
Zend Google Data Client Library is released on Oct. 31, 2006. It is a new GData API for Php developer. It provide a simple standard protocol and writing data on the web. For example, Google Base, Calendar, Blogger, and CodeSearch...
On Friday morning, I received the phone call in the office. Vivian, my wife, told me that I have a parcel from Amazon. I asked her, “Is it a big parcel?”. She said yes. I knew that it is my...