How to enable php5 at 1and1
With 1&1 Linux hosting packages you have the choice between PHP4, PHP5 and PHP6. 1&1 Web Hosting packages use PHP4 as default for all .php files. Why 1and1 still using php4 as default? It is too old. A lot of...
Tech geek. Life geek.
With 1&1 Linux hosting packages you have the choice between PHP4, PHP5 and PHP6. 1&1 Web Hosting packages use PHP4 as default for all .php files. Why 1and1 still using php4 as default? It is too old. A lot of...
It is shared hosting account. Some php program ask for register_globals to be turned off. The default is on. How can I turn off it? I can not touch php.ini. So go for .htaccess. Just add one into it. AddType...
tpl file are smarty template files. Sometimes I need to add php script, or php code into tpl file. That means I have to add php code into the smarty templates. If you add php code directly, there is error...
It is very often to include another file as a part of your script. When do this kind of including, should be very careful on following parts. 1) The path to the script is wrong. 2) The path to the...
The scenario is I have a blog powered by Movabletype. All html files. Later I need it to be running like a php file. Then I can add php codes inside without changing extension name from html to php. I’d...
It is failed when I try to include one file of other domain. We call it remote file. The script looks like
We know php is very powerful web script language. Now I would like to introduce the mailing management program, phplist. It is an open-source newsletter manager. phplist is free to download, install and use, and is easy to integrate with...
I wrote PHP Optimization to improve performance. Now I have another ten PHP optimization tips for you. 1. Single-quoted strings. Use single quote when possible. It is faster than double quote. If it is string only, just pick single quotes....
When coding in PHP in variety ways, some way is simple, some is not. But there must be one better way that can provide better performance. Here is a list of 63+ best practice to optimize PHP code performances I...
Now PHP 5.2.3 is installed on Dreamhost. If you don’t know how to do it, just refer to my previous post, Install customized PHP5 on Dreamhost. Let us see how to add Zend Optimizer support on your own PHP installation....
Install a customized PHP5 on Dreamhost can help you to make php work better and work more. That means you can add more extension on it. Let’s go to the details of installation. Install/Compile PHP 5 1) Copy the PHP5_installscript...
I have two news, one good, one bad. The bad news is Dreamhost has no PEAR default. The good news is we can install it by ourselves. Let us go through the steps of install PEAR on Dreamhost. 1) SSH...
I posted PHP connect DBF file with a sample. Now Pierre left the message and asked why error comes up. I doing some tests and get the answer. 1) The database.dbf is reserved name. 2) The field name is always...
I have a HTTP status check online tool here. It is made by PHP with cURL extension. The trouble is some responses are good. Someone tell me that the url should be 302 redir or 200 Ok, but the tool...
When I am doing some programing, I may need the Regular Expression rule to validate the data user submit. It is used to protect the program and save the resource of server. To write a perfect Regular Expression Rule is...