Got a new phone Google Pixel 3a
It is time to replace my old phone, LG Q6. I start the contract with Fido two years ago. The model is LG-M703. It is quite good for me. After two years of usage, I feel it is a little...
Tech geek. Life geek.
It is time to replace my old phone, LG Q6. I start the contract with Fido two years ago. The model is LG-M703. It is quite good for me. After two years of usage, I feel it is a little...
Android applications are used by millions of people throughout the world every day. When you develop a good application, you can rest assured that you have a high chance at success. Learning more about the process and how to make...
Google start its monthly security update since November 2015. November Security Update here. December Security Update here. The Android version is still 6.0.1. The date of Android security patch level was changed. Build number was changed when update too. Before...
It is another OTA upgrade of Nexus 7 (2013). Before upgrade, the The update size is 66.2MB. Go to the update screen and press DOWNLOAD.
My Nexus 7 (2013) tablet got the OTA upgrade notice on November 10, 2015. It is a big update from Android 5 to Android 6, or from Lollipop to Marshmallow. It is said new Android 6.0 Marshmallow improved performance, battery...
Just received an OTA update and I pressed the install without hesitate. But it is only another small security update for Android 5.1.1. From LMY48M to LMY48T. Baded on the post on xda developers forum, Android 6, Marshmallow update is...
Today, my Nexus 7 device got another OTA update of system. The update size is 13.8MB per below screen. It said that this update will improve stability, increase security, and fix bugs. Before update, the system > About Tablet screen...
My Nexus 7 got another update again, when I am back home. It is said, “This software update will upgrade your Nexus 7 to improve stability, increase security, and ifx bugs. Downloading updates over a mobile network or while roaming...
I updated my Nexus 7 tablet to Android 5.1.1 by OTA on July 6, Monday. The update package is 18MB. It is fast to install the update and restart, but it took more time when doing optimization on every...
It is a notice of Android 5.1 System update. The download package is 169.7MB. After a couple minutes downloading, the screen displayed the install and restart link. Then restart and the system optimized the apps installed. Look at the about...
Yesterday, I got the notice. To upgrade my Nexus 7 tablet to Android 5.0.2. The update package is 9.8MB. Very small. Restart and install the upgrade is fast. But the process to optimize the Apps installed is about 5 minutes....
Yes. Adnroid 5, or Lollipop released oin October. Based on Google announcement, it is supposed 5.0. But I received the OTA of 5.0.1 on my old 4.4.4 Nexus 7 tablet yesterday. On October 15, 2014, Google officially announced that Android...
My Nexus 7 (2013) was just updated to Android 4.4.3 two weeks ago. It is Android 4.4.4 now. Followed the prompt, the system is safe to upgrade. Be sure, the batter is full charged or with usb power connected. ...
One of the biggest improvement on Android 4.4.3 release is Wifi connection. Especially at 5G band. My router is located in living room. When my Nexus 7 connected with Wifi 5G in the same room, the signal strength is very...
The Android 4.4.3 KitKat update for Nexus 7 is about 73.9MB in size and brings performance improvements, stability and bug fixes. Notably, the Android 4.4.3 KitKat update is an incremental update from Android 4.4.2 KitKat and brings security enhancements and...