Try Ubuntu as Server
It is my dream. I can have a Linux box within all free software. I installed a Ubuntu on one old computer Thursday. The plan is to let this server has following functions: OS: Linux (Ubuntu) Web Server: Apache 2.0...
Tech geek. Life geek.
It is my dream. I can have a Linux box within all free software. I installed a Ubuntu on one old computer Thursday. The plan is to let this server has following functions: OS: Linux (Ubuntu) Web Server: Apache 2.0...
Now it’s time to upgrade your Ubuntu 6.06 to 6.10. There is no free shipit for 6.10. And it is not a Long Term Support (LTS). You can download it here. Let’s see some new features implemented in Ubuntu 6.10....
2013/08/29 Update: Google shuts down Picassa for Linux in early 2012. Download links are removed. Now we can use the free picasa in the Linux. There are three package can be download Free Download (.rpm) – for Red Hat/Fedora/Suse/Mandriva x86...
While surfing the Ubuntu site, I was noticed that LPI – Linux Professional Institute, which provides Linux Certification. It is a standard course, with three levels for administration. “Why get the Certification?” tells more details about this exam. Following are...
During past three weeks, I am learning the GNU/Linux. At the same time, I am shocked by the spirit of the Free Software. I decided to change my programing way to Free Software, or Open Sourc Software. Free Software Foundation...