In-Out Board

This is a web-based In-Out Board program. It is totally free to download, use. Pentacle (In Out Board) was started as an idea I had in the early part of 2003 when I was supposed to be running the intranet...

Pagerank stop working

After I installed the new version Google Toolbar 3.0.123, abut 2 hours later, I found that Page Rank information are always unavailable. Even the site: In the begining I thought it happened because of the new version’s problem. I...

Wireless Network Concern

Now more and more network build by wireless equipments. There are still something concern. 1) What is the range of wireless? Types of Wi-Fi Network Protocol Maximum Speed Average Speed Wireless Range 802.11a 54Mbps 27Mbps 12m indoors, 30m line-of-sight outdoors...