MovableType 4.01a Released

Sixapart released Movable Type 4.01a today. It is a Security Update. No matter MT 3.2, MT 3.3x or MT4.01, upgrade is required. For MT4.01, just download the gz package and decompress it. Overwrite the MovableType 4.01 installation is OK. No...

Beta 7

I am always thinking when the final release of MovableType 4 will come. This time the Beta 7 is coming and I upgrade my unofficial site on time. It looks this beta still not solve the problem to support IIS7....

MT 4 beta5 coming

The MovableType 4 just released beta 5. So, I upgrade the MovableType 4 Beta Unofficial Blog to beta 5. Steps as bleow: 1) SSH to Dreamhost. 2) cd 3) wget 4) tar -xvzf MT-4.0-beta5-20070704.tar.gz 5) cd MT-4.0-beta5-20070704 6)...

WordPress 2.2 is released now

WordPress 2.2 There are some new features or improvements: * WordPress Widgets allow you to easily rearrange and customize areas of your weblog (usually sidebars) with drag-and-drop simplicity. This functionality was originally available as a plugin Widgets are now included...