It is right time to do the upgrade.
The steps to upgrade is same as before. When finishing upgrade, the screen looks like below:


OK, let us look how better it is.

* Performance for all publishing is faster than ever.
* Your readers can now find content by author or date range (something Google’s site search doesn’t do) with the powerful new search feature.
* You can create a new site based on an existing one in just a few clicks with smarter blog cloning.
* Page views can increase by more than 50% with the new flexible pagination for comments and entries (based on the testing of one of our clients.)
* It’s faster to insert and re-use photos in your posts, and simple to create slide shows, with the most powerful asset manager ever.
* Documentation is more comprehensive and easy to access than ever before. You can read about our documentation improvement efforts on

So, why not. Just upgrade your blog now.
Click here to download it.

David Yin

David is a blogger, geek, and web developer — founder of If you like his post, you can say thank you here

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