Distillate Mod 0.1b released

As I mentioned before, I will make a distillate mod for phpBB forum program. It is a good time to release it. Distillate Mod 0.1b distillate-mod.zip Tested with: * phpBB 3.0.4 * ProSilver With Chinese Language support. It is very...

jQuery v1.3 release

jQuery released its 1.3 version. The new features shown as below: * Sizzle: A sizzlin’ hot CSS selector engine. * Live Events: Event delegation with a jQuery twist. * jQuery Event Overhaul: Completely rewired to simplify event handling. * HTML...

USB 3.0

USB 3.0 released. But I still want to say something about USB 1.0 and 2.0. USB 1.0 * USB 1.0: Released in January 1996. Specified data rates of 1.5 Mbit/s (Low-Speed) and 12 Mbit/s (Full-Speed). Did not anticipate or pass-through...

Upgrade your phpBB to 3.0.4

Just one month after phpBB 3.0.3 release, it is phpBB 3.0.4 now. I upgrade my forum to 3.0.4. It is not that difficult. I like to use automatic update package to do the upgrade, because that I have many changes...

phpBB 3.0.3 released

The new phpBB 3.0.3 released Nov. 12, 2008. It is a bug fixing release and also give two major new features. template inheritance and a post-based queue. To get installation package, patch files, auto update package, or changed files only...

jQuery UI 1.5 release

It is good news Today. One API to Rule Them All Stability, Debugging, Testing and jquery.simulate The Need for Effects: Enter Enchant Roll Your Own Themes: ThemeRoller! Plugin Stabilization and Enhancements jQuery UI v1.5: Final Release: http://ui.jquery.com/download

Ubuntu 8.04

Ubuntu 8.04 will release in 22 days. I have a Ubuntu 7.10 installed on my desktop. Before I can upgrade to the new version. Let’s go through the new features from 8.04. Xorg 7.3 The latest Xorg, Xorg 7.3, is...

Joomla! 1.5.2 released

I just upgraded to Joomla! 1.5.1 through Dreamhost one-click installation yesterday. Today, Joomla released 1.5.2. Let’s see the new features or bug fixes of it. * Support for non-Gregorian date output * Removed dependency on server locales for date output...