Fix the problem of unstable router
I have a Awow AK34 mini PC. It is used as a router for a few years. It has a problem. It may lost respons after a few month, or every month. All the devices no matter wired or wireless...
Tech geek. Life geek.
I have a Awow AK34 mini PC. It is used as a router for a few years. It has a problem. It may lost respons after a few month, or every month. All the devices no matter wired or wireless...
It is a big upgrade for my router. There are four more versions between 22.1.9 and 22.7.3, which are 22.7 , 22.7.1 and 22.7.2. And also I received the notice of the end of life on 22.1.10. So, I make...
The soft router was pfSense plus 22.01. Recently it is not stable. I lost my Internet connection a few times last week. I decided to change to a fork of pfSense, OPNsense. It is quite simple. Just install the new...