How to setup Gmail in phpBB 3.2.x in 2019?
I wrote a post long time ago about how to use Gmail with phpBB 3. Now it is 2019. It may get error with the same settings. It is not because my guide is wrong. Actually Google add more security...
Tech geek. Life geek.
I wrote a post long time ago about how to use Gmail with phpBB 3. Now it is 2019. It may get error with the same settings. It is not because my guide is wrong. Actually Google add more security...
It is a new about Google emaill APPs. Google has two email APPs, Inbox and Gmail. Just an hour ago, Google announced that Inbox by Gmail will be discontinue at the end of March 2019. vi In the post “Inbox...
After I switch to the new Gmail, I used it for three days. Gmail stuck more than five times. When I search the emails by email address, it stuck at loading. Sometimes it stuck when I try to open an...
Gmail, one of the world’s most popular email services. I used it for more than thirteen years. It has major changes on the look and some real new features. Now it looks more flatter. You know Google’s Material Design schema....
I installed Joomla 3.1.1 on a VPS. When I tried to use mass email, no matter what kind of mailer setting I put, I did not receive any email from it. At last I tried SMTP settings with Gmail account....
I use GMail filters to keep all the emails I get from different stores flyer under their own labers. To make a filter in GMail that handles more than one address, you can separate the addresses with a vertical bar...
As we know, official Google blog give a post said it get attack from China. It means from China Gov. This attack tried to access the Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists. I do not think it is just...
I just installed a mailing list software on one of my forum. Because mass email function of phpBB 3 does not work, I have to pick phplist, one of best free mail list software. I introduced this software before. Now...
I did a post one year ago for PHPBB2 and Gmail. Now I have a PHPBB 3.0.4. How to config phpBB 3 forum board to make its email setting working with Gmail or Google Apps? The old way does not...
Looks beautiful when I launch my Gmail yesterday afternoon. There are over 30 themes. Google is rolling out this new feature to all Gmail users. In the future, Google Apps will have too, I guess.
When I add a new domain on the control panel of Dreamhost, Google’s logo catch my eyeball. Now users can Set up calendar.domain.com, docs.domain.com, sites.domain.com, and start.domain.com, free with Google. And use Gmail as email provider. And the last is...
I run a BBS, which is phpBB. I also use the Google Apps’ email service. How to make them work together? Let’s discuss it now. Version of phpBB2: 2.0.22 It is running on the Dreamhost‘s hosting. There is a email...
Some Google fans may already knew that Gmail can retrive email from your other email account by POP3, such as your Yahoo email account or your ISP email account. Not everyone can access this feature. It is open to the...
I just installed the Google Toolbar 3.0 for Firefox. I saw the new feature, maybe not, which will notify you the incoming Gmail. When you have some new Gmail, the Gmail icon looks like that in following picture. You can...
Let’s see the Fire new features of Gmail: 1) Reply on top There is a new buttom on the right-up corner. Much easy to click to reply the email. 2) Embarassment-reducing new message notifications That’s a new features to notify...