Got some toys for myself
Yesterday, I received my August 7th Aliexpress order—four items in separate packages from mainland China. They are in a big bag labeled with Canada Post. Let me open them and have a look.
Tech geek. Life geek.
Yesterday, I received my August 7th Aliexpress order—four items in separate packages from mainland China. They are in a big bag labeled with Canada Post. Let me open them and have a look.
When I do the clean up in the storage room, I found a few coax cables. The are all labed as RG59. It is most popular type of cable when you go the the Bestbuy or other electric stores. Actually...
HDMI organization just posted HDMI FORUM RELEASES VERSION 2.0 OF THE HDMI SPECIFICATION. It is a new standard. Previous is HDMI 1.4 I wrote one post before about HDMI 1.3 vs HDMI 1.4 So, what about HDMI2.0. What’s new? HDMI...
I bought three HDMI cables from Taobao. Price is much lower than those on Ebay. I just noticed that the HDMI is version 1.4 now. Based on the Wiki: HDMI 1.4 was released on May 28, 2009, and the first...
I have an old usb cable for my iPod shuffle. It is broken and I fixed it. At the same time, I ordered one New USB Data Cable Sync charger 60cm for IPod Shuffle 2nd Gen USA, at eBay. It...
I power on the Raspberry Pi this morning. See pictures below. The first look of the screen in text mode. Raspberry Pi is located on the lower right corner. After the loading, I can enter startx to load a window....
I would like to introduce a site, CXTEC, which provide the very basic of the Internet, network cable. We all know that the internet has unlimited sites hosted on the web servers which are connected by the www.cxtec.com/products/cables network cables.
I bought the HD 2600 AGP card last week. I tried many time to install it on my old computer. All failed. I can not even make the PC boot. Later, I found one six pin socket on the end...