It is hard to find the date of manufacture of Hot Water Tank, or Water Heater. Most of time they do not put the date on the plate.
But we can decode from the serial number. Let me show you how to determine the age of Hot Water Tank of different brand.



Trade Names

Where to Look

How to Decode


American ACE, American, American Hardware, America’s Best, Apex, Aqua Temp, AquaTherm, Aquamatic, Best, Best Deluxe, Champion, Craftmaster, De-Limer, Deluxe, Eagle, The Earl’s Energy Conservation Water Heater, The Earl’s Energy Saver Plus, Envirotemp, Four Most, Hotmaster, Hotstream, King-Kleen, King-Line, Master Plumber, Nationaline, Neptune, Penquin, Premier Plus, Premier Plus Self Cleaning Prestige, ProLine and ProLine Plus, Quaker, Quick-Flo, Raywall, Revere, Riveria, Sands, Sentinal, Servi-Star, Shamrock, Special Deluxe, Standard, Super Eagle, Super-Flo, Supreme, Sure-Fire, Thoro-Clean, Tru-Test, Tru Value, U.S. Supply, Whirlpool, XCL Energy Saver Serial # – 1st 4 digits 1st 2 digits = year

2nd 2 digits= week

8906xxx = made in the 6th week of the year 1989
Apollo Comfort Products Apollo
Bradford-White Bradford White, JetGlas Serial # – 1st 2 letters 1st letter = year starting with A as 1984,

2nd letter = month with January (A) through December (M)

JMxxx = made in the year 1992 (J) in the month of December (M)
Crispaire E-tech
GSW Water Heating John Wood, GSW, Moffat, Superflue, Medal Serial # – 1st 4 digits 1st & 2nd number = year,

3rd & 4th number = month

8901xxx = made in the year 1989 in the first month, January
Heat Transfer Products Heat Transfer
Lochinvar Energy Saver, Golden Knight, Knight
Marathon Marathon Serial # – 1st 4 digits 1st & 2nd digit = month,

3rd & 4th digit = year

0189xxx = made in the year 1989 in the first month, January
Maytag Maytag
Rheem Aqua Therm, General Electric, Hotpoint, Professional, Rheem, Vanguard, Western Auto Serial # – 1st 4 digits 1st & 2nd digit = month,

3rd & 4th digit = year

0189xxx = made in the year 1989 in the first month, January
Richmond Richmond Serial # – 1st 4 digits 1st & 2nd digit = month,

3rd & 4th digit = year

0189xxx = made in the year 1989 in the first month, January
Ruud Professional, Ruud Serial # – 1st 4 digits 1st & 2nd digit = month,

3rd & 4th digit = year

0189xxx = made in the year 1989 in the first month, January
Sears, Roebuck and Co. Kenmore
A.O. Smith Water Products National, A.O. Smith, Glascote, Perma-Glas Serial # – 2nd, 3rd, 4th characters 2nd position (letter) = month (A being January through M being December)

3rd & 4th position (numbers) = year

AJ89xxx = made in October (J) of 1989
State Industries State Serial # – 1st 3 characters first letter = month (A being January through M, being December), 2nd and 3rd position (numbers) = year J89xxx = made in October of 1989
Summit Manufacturing


Sun Therm
U.S. Craftsmaster

Water Heaters

Ace, American Hardware, America’s Best, Apex, Aqua Temp, Aqua Therm, Aquamatic, Best, Best Deluxe, Craftmaster, De-Limer, Deluxe, Eagle, The Earl’s Energy Conservation Water Heater, The Earl’s Energy Saver Plus, Envirotemp, Four Most, Hotmaster, Hotstream, King-Kleen, King-Line, Master Plumber, Nationaline, Neptune, Penquin, Prestige, Pro-Line, Pro-Line Plus, Quaker, Quick-Flo, Raywall, Revere, Riviera, Sands, Sentinal, Servistar, Shamrock, Special Deluxe, Standard, Supereagle, Super-Flo, Supreme, Sure-Fire, Thoro-Clean, True-Test, Tru Value, U.S. Craftmaster, U.S. Supply, Whirlpool, XCL Energy Saver Serial # – 1st 4 digits 1st 2 digits = year

2nd 2 digits= week

8924xxx = made in the 24th week of the year 1989
Vaugn Manufacturing Corp. Sepco, Hydrohot, D.W. Whitehead


David Yin

David is a blogger, geek, and web developer — founder of If you like his post, you can say thank you here

8 Replies to “How to determine Water Heater Age

  1. These water tanks can significantly help people save energy and money. Today’s technology offers numerous ways to minimize costs and expenses. A year ago, I utilized the services of FTC Tank nearby to store water for my farm and had a great experience. I’ve even recommended them to many of my friends.

  2. These water tanks can significantly help people save energy and money. Today’s technology offers numerous ways to minimize costs and expenses. A year ago, I utilized the services of FTC Tank nearby to store water for my farm and had a great experience. I’ve even recommended them to many of my friends.

  3. These water tanks can really help people save energy and money. The technology of today allows for ways to minimize cost and expenses, and that is a great deal. People look for practicality, nowadays.

  4. These water tanks can really help people save energy and money. The technology of today allows for ways to minimize cost and expenses, and that is a great deal. People look for practicality, nowadays.

  5. Most water tanks may work for a long time so it is important to keep track of how long one has been working. It is also beneficial to maintain their longevity by taking care of their parts, thus avoiding frequent repairs and replacements.

  6. Most water tanks may work for a long time so it is important to keep track of how long one has been working. It is also beneficial to maintain their longevity by taking care of their parts, thus avoiding frequent repairs and replacements.

  7. Replace your current storage tank water heater with another exactly the same. Today, there are a lot of new options to consider as you seek to improve energy efficiency and the green living profile of your home.

  8. Replace your current storage tank water heater with another exactly the same. Today, there are a lot of new options to consider as you seek to improve energy efficiency and the green living profile of your home.

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