Access Webmin with IPv6 address
I tried a IPv6 only VPS. It has no IP v4 address. It is always error connection when I tried to use an IP v6 to connect it. Here is some new knowledge for me. Use a pair [] around...
Tech geek. Life geek.
I tried a IPv6 only VPS. It has no IP v4 address. It is always error connection when I tried to use an IP v6 to connect it. Here is some new knowledge for me. Use a pair [] around...
I have an VPS at Burst.net. I pick up Centos 5.5 installation. To make MovableType work on it, I have to install Perl module Image::Magick. The image thumbnail feature will be disabled if no Image::Magick installed. Every time I do...
How to find perl module and install it under Ubuntu? 1) You have to find the package of this module. For example, I want to install GEO::IPfree module for enable IPfree plugin in Awstats.