Site icon David Yin's Blog

Day 1 – Two Week Campaign

It is the first day of my Two Week Campaign. It is very important to start everything correct in the beginning.

Day 1

I did following changes on Yinfor Site, including David Yin’s Blog.

The changes I made is based on the following concept.

Audience always likes faster web site. Audience always likes web site shown without errors.

First of all, my small job is to make my web page loading faster.

1) Combine CSS files and do not use @import to include other css file

2) Optimize Images on homepage. Got 5% reduction on image size.

3) Minify javascript file, mt.js, it cut 15KB.

4) Minify CSS file, it cut 9KB

5) Leverage browser caching of static assets. Such as jpg, png, gif files. I make them expired in 60 days.

The overall effects are: less connections, smaller files.

The second approach is the modification on page.

Fix the small typo, or errors on template. Re-publish the site. Make HTML validated.

And also, I fixed the errors in CSS file, make it validates as CSS level 3

More changes here tomorrow.

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