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The Rules of Parenting

It is a book I bought almost one year ago.
There are 100 rules for parents. Now I am reading rule 19, See things from their point of view.

Some rules I already knew before I am being a dad. But even I am 11 years old daughter and 7 years old daughter’s father, plus a eight month old son’s father, there are still some rules I don’t know.
Things change very fast. They are growing fast too. I have to follow they steps and grow with them.

Relax when I see them. I will tell myself, no one is perfect. Know what I am good at. Do what I am good at. So many rules for kids and parents. Almost any rule can be broken occasionally. Not often.
When my eleven years old Grace walks with me in the mall, she is almost same height as her mom. I first met her mom on Grade 7. I am very enjoying their company. She will meet a wonderful boy someday.

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