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MovableType Upgrade facility is so good

I have a blog which is used internally in the Lan. It is MovableType 3.34.
You know MT 3.34 is a version released two years ago. This time I want to upgrade it to MovableType 4.3.
This blog is running on a Windows server with IIS 5 and Perl version: 5.8.7.
The upgrade procedures I took are same as regular one. No problem.
1) Backup the database through MySQL admin
2) Download MovableType 4.3 zip file, and unzip it.
3) Copy all files to overwrite the old installation.

4) Upgrade by /mt/mt-upgrade.cgi
The database upgrading log shown as below:
* Upgrading database from version 3.3.
* Upgrading table for TrackBack records…
* Upgrading table for Category records…
* Upgrading table for TrackBacks records…
* Upgrading table for Template records…
* Upgrading table for Template records…
* Upgrading table for IP Ban records…
* Upgrading table for Permission records…
* Upgrading table for Permission records…
* Upgrading table for fileinfo records…
* Upgrading table for TrackBack records…
* Upgrading table for pluginmanager records…
* Upgrading table for Blog records…
* Upgrading table for Comment records…
* Upgrading table for Comment records…
* Upgrading table for Contact records…
* Upgrading table for Entry records…
* Upgrading table for Category Placement records…
* Upgrading table for Session records…
* Upgrading table for User records…
* Upgrading table for Tag records…
* Upgrading table for TrackBack records…
* Upgrading table for Category records…
* Upgrading table for Template records…
* Upgrading table for fileinfo records…
* Upgrading table for pluginmanager records…
* Upgrading table for Tag Placement records…
* Upgrading table for Comment records…
* Upgrading table for Contact records…
* Creating new template: ‘Comment Response’.
* Creating new template: ‘Comment Listing’.
* Creating new template: ‘Entry Notify’.
* Creating new template: ‘Password Recovery’.
* Creating new template: ‘Profile Error’.
* Creating new template: ‘Status Message’.
* Creating new template: ‘Email verification’.
* Creating new template: ‘GlobalJavaScript’.
* Creating new template: ‘Registration Form’.
* Creating new template: ‘Commenter Notify’.
* Creating new template: ‘Sign In’.
* Creating new template: ‘New Password Form’.
* Creating new template: ‘Login Form’.
* Creating new template: ‘Subscribe Verify’.
* Creating new template: ‘Search’.
* Creating new template: ‘Profile Edit Form’.
* Creating new template: ‘Footer’.
* Creating new template: ‘Commenter Confirm’.
* Creating new template: ‘New entry notification’.
* Creating new template: ‘New Comment’.
* Creating new template: ‘Registration notification’.
* Creating new template: ‘Simple Footer’.
* Creating new template: ‘Profile View’.
* Creating new template: ‘New Password Reset Form’.
* Creating new template: ‘Registration Confirmation’.
* Creating new template: ‘Mail Footer’.
* Creating new template: ‘Navigation’.
* Creating new template: ‘Password Reset Form’.
* Creating new template: ‘Userpic’.
* Creating new template: ‘Profile Feed’.
* Creating new template: ‘New Ping’.
* Creating new template: ‘Header’.
* Creating new template: ‘Form Field’.
* Creating new template: ‘Simple Header’.
* Creating new template: ‘Comment throttle’.
* Updating password recover email template…
* Removing unused template maps… (100%)
* Updating system search template records…
* Renaming PHP plugin file names…
* Classifying category records… (100%)
* Populating default file template for templatemaps… (100%)
* Assigning user authentication type… (100%)
* Migrating Nofollow plugin settings…
* Classifying entry records… (100%)
* Updating widget template records… (100%)
* Assigning junk status for comments… (100%)
* Populating authored and published dates for entries… (100%)
* Assigning user status… (100%)
* Merging comment system templates… (100%)
* Moving metadata storage for categories…
* Moving metadata storage for categories…
* Assigning blog template set… (100%)
* Moving OpenID usernames to external_id fields… (100%)
* Removing unnecessary indexes…
* Assigning author basename… (100%)
* Assigning blog page layout… (100%)
* Replacing file formats to use CategoryLabel tag… (100%)
* Migrating permissions to roles… (100%)
* Updating template build types… (100%)
* Assigning entry comment and TrackBack counts… (100%)
* Migrating permission records to new structure…
* Migrating role records to new structure…
* Migrating system level permissions to new structure…
* Adding new feature widget to dashboard… (100%)
* Removing Dynamic Site Bootstrapper index template…
* Database has been upgraded to version 4.0075.
* Plugin ‘Professional Pack’ installed successfully.
* Plugin ‘Community Pack’ installed successfully.
* Plugin ‘Action Streams’ installed successfully.
* Plugin ‘Motion’ installed successfully.
5) Then sign in and refresh the template and pick up a new style.
6) Rebuild whole blog.
I don’t know how to comment on it. Is MovableType’s upgrade facility too good? or, the MovableType structure is too good?
Does not matter. It is good for user to upgrade from MT 3.34.

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