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Do you still need Xcache when you have PHP Opcache

This VPS is running with PHP 5.4.25.  Zend OPcache is a built-in module in PHP 5.4.25.

I have Xcache installed before. Today, I removed it and just use OPcache.

When I use Xcache and Opcache at the same time. And config Database cache and object cache to use opcode:Xcache. I found the Xcache doesn’t help me a lot. See screenshot below.

PHP scripts are not cached in Xcache entirely.  I thought Zend OPcache is working on php scripts.

Here are another screenshot of Zend OPcache.

So, I removed Xcache and restart Apache web server. Then test the web page performance at The load speed is almost same and nothing wrong without it.

I changed the W3TC configuration. Database cache method and Object cache method are changed to Disk.



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