To make the site clean and faster loading, I remove one piece advertising script.
The ads removed is provided by Kontera, I used it for many years. It is a content link ads. It mimics text link. When mouse move over it, a small float layer display a small box with ads. About five to ten Kontera links are added on each of my post. Now I took it away. The page looks less links on it.
The second change I made is to move Google Ads from the middle center of the post content to the right up inline of the post. Personally, I feel better look. And more content will be shown above the fold.
After the above two changes, the Fully Loaded time is reduced about 25% on first view.

This is the original page.

After changes, it looks like below:

And also, I keep working on my social plan which I made on Day 3.

David Yin

David is a blogger, geek, and web developer — founder of If you like his post, you can say thank you here

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